
Yak Milk

Yak Milk

Description:The contents of amino acid, calcium and vitamin A in yak milk were 15% and 6% higher than those in ordinary milk respectively. Among the trace elements, yak milk contains 9.8 times more iron, 3 times more zinc and 1.13 times more calcium than ordinary milk. Yak milk contains immunoglobulin, which is lacking in ordinary milk. Long term drinking will help to improve human immunity.

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Functional features:
1. Yak milk contains polyunsaturated fatty acid CLA which is beneficial to human health
Conjugated linoleic acid, which can only be produced by cattle eating grass, is the main component in yak milk
Conjugated linoleic acid is four times that of ordinary milk.
2. Yak milk contains more calcium than ordinary milk, and the content of vitamin D that can promote calcium absorption is also very high, which can provide pregnant women with calcium needed during pregnancy, reduce the occurrence of fetal calcium deficiency, and is conducive to their bone growth and development.
3. Yak milk is rich in natural immune factors --- immunoglobulin and lactoferrin. Immunoglobulin: animal protein with antibody activity. It has the functions of antibacterial, anti-toxic, anti-virus antibody, anti infection and preventing pathogen invasion, so that pregnant mothers have stronger natural resistance, less illness and healthier. Lactoferrin: promote the normal development of gastrointestinal tract, especially mucosal immune system. Promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, help resist common diseases such as diarrhea and enteritis caused by E. coli and viruses, and improve the immune function of pregnant mothers.

Range of application

Yak milk is suitable for a wide range of people, such as high-intensity mental workers, highly tired people, people with weak resistance, such as patients who have been treated for a long time, pregnant women, lactating infants and people who need supplementary nutrition.

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